
Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy Effective date:  1/1/2024 1. Introduction These Privacy Policy (“Privacy Policy”) apply to the use of the website and products provided by Appvenus (hereinafter also referred as “we” or “us”). Our registered office is at Kusnan 78, Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia, registered no.: 6289677825600. This Privacy Policy applies and has effect in respect of all services and other products, software, made available by us, as well as any other online features relating to the website and its content (the “Service(s)”). If you have any questions or comments about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at . We are committed to protecting and respecting your privacy. The Privacy Policy explains the basis on which personal information we collect from you will be processed by us or on our behalf. Where we decide the purpose or means for which personal data you supply through these Services is processed, we are the “controller”. Where you decide the purpose or means